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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
IT for Business for Connectivity Issues -myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about theIT for Business for Connectivity Issues inE-trade. Answer: Presentation Data security alludes to the way toward sparing the delicate data of the organization from spillage. It encourages the association to utilize electronic programming and start exercises which actualize solid security framework in the association. The new proposes that cross-outskirt web based business exercises are to be viewed as one of the significant advancement of this field (Ahmed, and Hossain 2014). Further, the report comprises of web based business which utilizes the data security innovation. Likewise, it clarifies the four connections of internet business with digital security, the issues, and arrangements also. Despite the fact that the data security is a piece of the innovation business, in this way wastefulness of the business hampers the development of an association. Network and Security issues The contextual analysis expresses that usage of computerized economy gives both extraordinary chances and difficulties also. In this manner, it will be noticed that data innovation is utilized admirably can make ponders for the association. Additionally, availability is the foundation of the advancement of the data security framework. Further, the significant issue of availability includes four angles that are: Availability for data: the article expresses that the main reason for the deals of the web based business is the solid web network acquired with the business. However, there is a tremendous contrast in spite of fullest endeavors of the Asian nations to upraise the utilization of data correspondence innovation. Taking a gander at the territorial framework of the web it very well may be said that the speed is normal, however not all individuals utilize the portable web rather the broadband and Wi-Fi administration are likewise overall in the market. In this way, the deal procedure for the business is diminished as low association because of which client gets aggravated with the administrations of the online business (Chen 2017). Further, it will be realized that it unfavorably influence the security arrangement of the association, as the web availability convey the information and private data of the organization starting with one source then onto the next and in the event that that source is broken, at that point the organization may confront issues (Niranjanamurthy, and Chahar 2013). Reserves are made by the online sites and if the speed isn't palatable, because of which the subtleties of the exchange are put away in the PC of the individuals, and on the off chance that that data is gotten to by some untouchable, at that point it can influence the development of both organization and the clients. Additionally, availability in a web based business association is followed by putting resources into the fine business process, and in the event that the data innovation programming isn't productive, at that point naturally is can placed the organization in dangers (Crossler, et. al., 2013). Strategic availability: in spite of the fact that the web based business exercises are started on the web however the calculated procedure is started through disconnected mode and the subtleties of strategic are conveyed to the client through online mode. In this manner, if the data correspondence innovation does in give satisfactory insights concerning the coordinations then the issue can be raised by the clients of the association which can chance the development of the organization. The ICT and data security practice adjust the working in the web based business, consequently on the off chance that one of the procedures is wastefulness, at that point the other perspective is naturally influenced by it and the development turns out to be moderate (Galliers, and Leidner 2014). Availability stream income: the progression of money is the essential requirement for which the business procedure is started in the market. What's more, is the procedure with which income is earned in the association, and afterward the organization can't get by in since quite a while ago run. Corresponding to the income which the data security issue, in the event that the electronic framework availability isn't effective, at that point the e-installments can lapse before time. This can raise issues as clients can say that sum is deducted from their record yet it isn't conveyed to the organization (Modi, et. al., 2013). Accordingly, to determine this issue, the organization will guarantee appropriate availability of web in the business procedure. The security of client, the protection of exchanges is kept up with proficiency web framework as it were. As the internet business is a non-physical industry therefore the client depends on the organization by taking a gander at its UI and t he picture of the organization in the market. Generosity can be possibly kept up if the security is appropriately kept up and issues are appropriately reviewed by the organization (Habiba, et. al., 2016). Coordinating availability: incorporating network alludes to the way toward supporting availability by giving additional exertion in smooth working of the business. The open private association will create co-activity with the general public so that no non-moral exercises are started (Niranjanamurthy, et. al., 2013). End Along these lines in the spotlight of the previously mentioned occasions, will be noticed that in an online business industry is it essential to start powerful web association so exchanges are held effectively without hindrance. The data innovation framework straightforwardly influences the data security arrangement of the association. As though network isn't solid then the working of the organization may lose its impact. Proposal Along these lines, by taking a gander at the above case investigation it will be taken in accounts that, data security is a significant viewpoint which will be cared for the organization winning in the web based business industry. As there is no physical contact with any individual in the organization in this manner in the event that an issue happens, at that point it gets run of the mill for the organization to discover the principle offender behind the issue. Consequently, the satisfactory measure will be taken by the organization on an underlying level with the goal that future is spared. So as to keep up security and diminish digital wrongdoing, the organizations will permit the passage of the clients by scrambled code as it were. This will start security of individual data of the clients. Additionally, the organization will not re-appropriate their IT related work to other organization, similarly as with this they can get to the cloud wherein significant detail of the organizati on is put away. Just recognized individuals of the association will utilize the value touchy data. In this way, with these means, a web based business organization can start sufficient security of client and friends' data. References Ahmed, M. also, Hossain, M.A., 2014. Distributed computing and security issues in the cloud. Universal Journal of Network Security Its Applications, 6(1), p.25. Chen, L., 2017. Network issues in internet business. Seen on September 20, 2017 from https://www.bangkokpost.com/assessment/supposition/1324759/network issues-in-web based business Crossler, R.E., Johnston, A.C., Lowry, P.B., Hu, Q., Warkentin, M. furthermore, Baskerville, R., 2013. Future headings for social data security research. PCs security, 32, pp.90-101. Galliers, R.D. furthermore, Leidner, D.E. eds., 2014. Vital data the board: difficulties and techniques in overseeing data frameworks. Routledge. Habiba, U., Masood, R., Shibli, M.A. also, Niazi, M.A., 2014. Cloud character the executives security issues arrangements: a scientific classification. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 2(1), p.5. Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A. what's more, Rajarajan, M., 2013. A review on security issues and arrangements at various layers of Cloud processing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 63(2), pp.561-592. Niranjanamurthy, M. what's more, Chahar, D.D., 2013. The investigation of web based business security issues and arrangements. Universal Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(7). Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S. what's more, Chahar, D., 2013. Examination of web based business and m-trade: favorable circumstances, confinements and security issues. Worldwide Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2(6).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Digital Media
Presentation: You may have known about advanced media, yet you may have no clue what it is and how it can get you out with regards to showcasing. It's very significant that you find a good pace so you can utilize this to profit your business. Fundamentally computerized media alludes to an electronic media out there. Today media can be gotten to from numerous points of view, incorporating with hand held gadgets like cell phones, workstations, work areas, mp3 players, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Computerized media must be put away in an electronic manner, so there is a ton of advanced substance on the web today, including content substance, pictures, sound substance, just as video content.Through the historical backdrop of web, computerized media has been creating in different manners. Here's we'll investigate how it has influenced the Internet and ways that it might be coordinated moving advances (Rogers 2006). One kind of advanced media is content; this in truth spoke to the absolute first blast ofâ thisâ type of contentâ out there on the Internet. At the point when the Internet previously got enormous, there was a blast of substance on the web, particularly with all the word processors and word handling choices out there today (Rogers 2006).Larger organizations began to put date on PCs as opposed to putting away it in cupboards, and the web unquestionably permitted an incredible method to share, move, and store content also. As the Internet developed, pictures started to show up. Rather than just content messages, before long individuals could send photographs, and soon photograph destinations for sharing photographs started to spring up. At that point in the center 1990s, sound started to turn into a significant piece of advanced media with the mp3 documents that could be effectively utilized. Before long music and more was imparted online to destinations that permitted you to share audio.Last in the computerized media advancement was video. Yo uTube unquestionably made video sharing a colossally famous type of current media dissemination and this is proceeding to develop as we talk today. Presently with new innovation found in things like the iPhone, this new type of virtual mediaâ is accessible in handheld gadgets too, and no doubtâ this sectorâ is just going to keep on developing later on (Rogers 2006). Since you comprehend more about the innovation side, you might be thinking about how it can help your business.Well organizations are utilizing computerized media for advertising increasingly more today, understanding that there is a colossal promoting field out there and thatâ it can assist with attracting guests and can even furnish better web index perceivability with you. Content substance can be kept refreshed on your site and supportive substance is an incredible piece of good advertising. Skill in your field can truly support your business and get traffic streaming into your business site. Photographs, outli nes, graphs, and models are consistently mainstream on the web and will assist you with getting greater perceivability as well.Audio permits you to utilize music on pages or to do webcasts for your business. Making recordings is a mainstream technique for computerized media advertising today, and recordings do very well in web search tools (Rogers 2006). With the prevalence of computerized media, it is unquestionably significant that you proceed to make and use it for good advertising and business results. Regardless of whether you need to employ somebody to assist, the advantages will make it worth the cash. So thinking about and utilizing computerized media is certainly significant for your business achievement todayProblem proclamation: Most individuals acknowledge the possibility that the media can impact individuals. In any case, the level of that impact, just as who is generally affected, when, how and why, have been the subjects of extraordinary discussion among correspondenc e researchers for almost a century. Media impacts alludes to the numerous ways people and society might be affected by both news and diversion broad communications, including film, TV, radio, papers, books, magazines, sites, computer games, and music.To comprehend advanced media impacts, it is first basic to consider how media are utilized and for what purposes. Correspondence researchers have generally fallen into two camps †functionalists, who accept the media crowd will in general be in charge and dynamic, and basic/culturalists who accept the crowd has less control and is in this manner progressively detached. The equalization may lie some place in the center and may change from nation to nation. Reason for the examination: In this paper we are going to consider and assess the advanced media and its impact on youngsters in general.The following content is a general thought: Youth spend a normal of ;7 hours/day utilizing media and most by far of them approach a room TV, PC, the Internet, a computer game reassure, and a mobile phone. In this paper we survey the latest research on the impacts of media on the conduct and wellbeing and prosperity of kids and young people. Studies have indicated that media can give data about safe wellbeing rehearses and can encourage social connectedness.However, late proof raises worries about media's impacts on hostility, sexual conduct, substance use, confused eating, and scholarly troubles. We give suggestions to guardians, experts, the media, and strategy producers, among others, for approaches to build the advantages and lessen the damage that media can have for the creating kid and for young people. Over 50 years of media investigate authenticates the huge impact of media on youngster and youthful health.Both â€Å"old†media (TV, films, magazines) and â€Å"new†media (the Internet and long range interpersonal communication locales, video/PC games, mobile phones) can affect essentially every wellbeing worry that experts and guardians have about youngsters, including forceful conduct, hazardous sexual conduct, substance use, and scattered eating. In spite of the fact that the media are not the main source of any of these issues, the exploration checked on here recommends that they are significant.Yet, regardless of the proof of potential mischief, there is likewise proof that media can be gainful for youth (eg, by expanding sympathy and acknowledgment of assorted variety through demonstrating of prosocial practices and building up kids' initial proficiency abilities through instructive programming). Those worried about kid and juvenile wellbeing should know about the examination on the impacts of present day media on youth. Hypothetical system: Literature audit: Media influence youth not just by uprooting time they spend doing schoolwork or resting yet in addition by affecting convictions and behaviors.According to social learning hypothesis, youngsters and teenagers learn by wat ching and mimicking what they see on the screen, especially when these practices appear to be reasonable or are compensated. Psychological advancement hypothesis states that kids' subjective limits at various stages decide whether and how they comprehend media content. For instance, kids more youthful than 8 years who are not yet ready to appreciate convincing plan will be progressively defenseless against advertising.In expansion, media present youth with regular â€Å"scripts†for how to act in new circumstances, for example, sentimental connections. At long last, superpeer hypothesis expresses that the media resemble incredible closest companions in once in a while causing hazardous practices to appear standardizing conduct. With the assortment of speculations proposing a conceivably incredible impact of the media and the developing experimental proof for contrary effect, one may guess that guardians would take care to constrain introduction to unfavorable media content.Ho wever, the â€Å"third-individual effect†(a very much archived marvel in the correspondences writing) shows that young people and grown-ups feel that the media impact everybody aside from themselves or their kids Violence and Aggression By the age of 18, the normal immature will have seen an expected 200 000 demonstrations of viciousness on TV alone. A great part of the savagery on TV and in motion pictures is introduced in a disinfected and glamorized style, and in youngsters' modifying it regularly is introduced as humorous.More than 10% of 10-to 14-year-olds saw 40 of the most rough films in 2003. Both music recordings and rap music have gotten progressively vicious. Intelligent media can energize standoffish convictions and conduct in kids and teenagers, especially on the grounds that viciousness in new media has been seen as pervasive too. An ongoing investigation of computer games uncovered that the greater part of all games contain brutality, including ;90% appraised as fitting for youngsters matured 10 years and older.Health experts stress most over first-individual shooter computer games. In the result of the West Paducah, KY school shooting, it was found that the shooter had never shot a genuine firearm in his life before that day, yet his marksmanship was both precise and deadly. Specialists accept that rehashed introduction to intervened savagery can prompt uneasiness and dread, acknowledgment of viciousness as a suitable methods for comprehending struggle, and desensitization, with coming about increments in animosity and diminishes in altruism.In specific, the depiction of legitimate brutality that is normal in American mediaâ€â€Å"good folks versus terrible guys†â€places kids in danger since it is so intensely strengthening. The connection between media viciousness and genuine animosity is close to as solid as the effect of cigarette smoking on lung disease not every person who smokes will get lung malignancy, and not every person who sees media brutality will become forceful themselves. Be that as it may, the association is huge. The most tricky types of media viciousness incorporate alluring and unpunished culprits, no mischief to casualties, authenticity, and silliness. SexResearchers researching the effect of presentation to sexual substance in media on immature sexual convictions and early sexual commencement have discovered humble yet critical affiliations, especially in the domain of sex entertainment. In a national example of 1500 10-to 17-year-olds, about portion of the Internet clients had been presented to on-line erotic entertainment in the earlier year. In an example of mid
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Lets say you have two applicants... - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Lets say you have two applicants... - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Lets say you have two applicants During the course of a year, every admissions office is bombarded with a number of similar questions, with one being the most prevalent and challenging, and it always starts with Lets say you have two applicants . There are six of the most difficult words to work with for any admissions counselor! GPAs, test scores, and activities are then speculated upon, with a desire that the admissions officer can magically say who would be admitted first. But now, it is your turn to hear these six words and review two applications! First, the rules: Both of the applicants are fictional characters who in no way are based on actual people (sounds like Law and Order, doesnt it). As this focus is on first-year applicants, only current or future first-year applicants or their parents should respond. For this exercise, you will not be determining who should be admitted, but which applicant you think is stronger overall for UGA. I have no idea if both, one or neither of the applicants would be admitted, so lets just focus on who you think is a stronger applicant. Both of these are strong applicants!! Put yourselves in UGAs shoes, with a review of the whole student (not Early Action), and on what UGA looks at in an admission file. Have fun, be nice, and I hope this works out well! Applicant I Georgia Resident, Male International Affairs major 5 AP courses (AP Psych, AP US Hist., AP Eur. Hist, AP Lang., AP Human Geography), multiple Honors courses 3.64 GPA as calculated by UGA SAT: 650 CR, 720 M, 530 W Strong Essays, very organized and crisp Involved in six clubs (Two for 4 years, two for 2 years, one cooking club- he founded senior year), leadership roles in 2 clubs Plays two sports (one fresh/sophomore years, one four years, captain senior year) Wonderful, glowing recommendations Mother and Father are alumni 2 awards (college book award and one most spirited) Applicant II Out-of-State Resident, Female Undecided major 3 AP courses (AP Chem, AP Spanish, AP Calculus), numerous Honors courses, 2 dual enrollment English classes senior year at local research University 3.83 GPA as calculated by UGA SAT: 550 CR, 560 M, 540 W ACT: 29 Composite, 30 Engl, 29 Math, 28 Read, 29 Sci, 28 Engl/Writing Strong essays, very personal and insightful Involved in 3 clubs (all for four years, Editor in one, VP in another) Plays one sport (Varsity for 4 years, Captain twice) Volunteers at local library Wonderful, glowing recommendations 1 award (most determined) Some of the items I have listed are important, while others have no impact on a decision. I will monitor any responses and give you my opinion at a later date. Please respond by saying which applicant you believe to be stronger and why. *no applicants were injured in the making of this simulation. Go Dawgs!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Daily Performance Of Efficient And Effective Professional...
DAILY PERFORMANCE OF EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION COLLABORATIVELY AMONG DIVERSE COLLEAGUES AND SOCIETAL MEMBERS THAT FOSTERED RESPONSIVE METHODS OF VERBAL COMMUNICATION. REGULARLY, I WOULD ASSIST CREW MEMBERS WITH ELECTRONIC JOB TASK ENTRIES AND SUBMISSIONS OF TIME CARDS. ADDITIONALLY, I WOULD ELECTRONICALLY DOCUMENT ESSENTIAL INFORMATION REGARDING WORK INCIDENTS, COMPLAINTS AND OR POTENTIAL HAZARDS CONCERNING THE NECESSARY SUBJECTS. MOREOVER, IN A TIMELY MATTER I WOULD NOTIFY THE SUPERVISOR OF VITAL INFORMATION BY THE APPROPRIATE FORM OF VERBAL COMMUNICATION. ALSO, I WOULD PERSONALLY INFORM THE PUBLIC OF CURRENT AND OR SCHEDULED WORK PERFORMED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA, AND UPON REQUEST PERSONALLY DEBRIEF RESIDENCE, WHO WERE DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY THE WORK DONE. EMERGENCY RESPONDER: IN THE EVENT OF AN IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY, I WOULD NOTIFY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOLLOWED BY THE SUPERVISOR AND ACCURETLY COMMUNICATE THE EVENTS THAT HAVE TRANSPIRED. WHEN NOT PHYSICALLY PRESENT FOR AN EMERGENCY SITUATION I WAS ONE OF THREE FIRST RESPONDERS TO VARIATIONS OF HAZARDOUS ROAD OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS, VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS, FLOODED AREAS, AND RUBBISH/DEPRI ACCOMPANIED WITH SAFE OPERATIONS OF THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AS ADVISED BY THE SUPERVISOR. Job Task FREQUENTLY, I PERFORMED ROUTINE DAILY SAFETY TAILGATE MEETINGS WITH COLLEAGUES TO IDENTIFY AND INCREASE THE AWARENESS OF ANY POTENTIAL JOB HAZARDS ALONG WITH DEVELOPING A CORRECTIVE PLAN. THEN, COLLABORATIVELY WE WOULDShow MoreRelatedImproving Communication Among Departments At An Organization1256 Words  | 6 PagesThe purpose for this assignment is to evaluate and improve communication among departments in an organization. As Chief Executive Officer (CEO), not only I have to make sure all the operations in the organization are running smoothly but to make sure the communication piece is running in that same way as well. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Confucian Philosophy and Corporate Responsibility
Freedom devoid of responsibility would result in the collapse of the social network. It would cause strife among individuals, between individuals and society, and essentially would lead to the sacrifice of the future in order to fulfill short-term desires. Coming under much scrutiny for allegedly doing just this is today’s dominant institution, a legal establishment with pervasive influence on contemporary life: the modern corporate enterprise. We live in a world plagued with human exploitation and severe environmental degradation. Many would claim that behind this unfair and unsustainable global situation lies the profit-hungry hand of corporate power. Accused and often found criminally guilty in court of having enormous and often hidden†¦show more content†¦(Stevens. 114) Looking at the author of The Corporation Joel Bakan’s definition, there appears to be clear evidence of potentially harmful individualism in a corporation’s determined motives. A corporation is an institution with a unique structure and set of imperatives that direct the action of the people within it. It is also a legal institution, one whose existence and capacity to operate depend on the law. The corporation’s legally defined mandate is to pursue, relentlessly and without exception, its own self-interest, regardless of the often harmful consequences. (Bakan. 2) In truth, the publicly traded corporation has been widely criticized due to the fact that its responsibility rests exclusively with its shareholders as opposed to resting with society at large. The essential goal of a corporation as an institution is to create monetary wealth for those in communal possession of it. This leads, however, to another facet of the corporation in terms of Confucian philosophy. It could be said that a corporation is, in fact, a microcosmic reflection of a unified, collectivist whole. Much as Confucius defined the ideal Confucian monarchy as a reflection of the patriarchal family unit, (McGreal. 57) the corporation can also be seen as a cooperative organization, modeled after a collectivist monarchy. Confucius placed great value on unifying cultural ideals, and a corporation is undoubtedly a group concept with a common, unifying goal.Show MoreRelatedThe Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Culture Essays1742 Words  | 7 PagesThe Influence of Confucian Culture on Chinese Culture Introduction Confucian culture, also known as Confucianism, was founded by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, which was developed gradually after the Han Dynasty with benevolence as the core. Since the Han Dynasty, Confucianism was the official ideology and the basis of mainstream ideology in the vast majority of historical periods of China, and it also influenced many southeast Asian countries in history. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evidence- Based Decision Making and Discovery Free Essays
There is a history of information that has been compiled by health care professionals and sets guidelines for decision making done by health care professionals today. I Research Methods I Qualitative and quantitative research are two selecting research methods seed by scientists to collect and analyze date. Quantitative research is focused and objective research based on mathematics. We will write a custom essay sample on Evidence- Based Decision Making and Discovery or any similar topic only for you Order Now Qualitative research looks at the whole picture, is subjective and collects data non-mathematically usually using symbolic representations. I Manuscript Organization I An organized manuscript allows the readers to understand and to be Informed of the Information In the easiest and clearest way possible. Manuscripts follow a general format that Includes an abstract, introduction, background, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, references, appendices, and tables and figures. The abstract is a summary of what the paper is about and discusses the processes and methods used. The introduction allows the reader to know what the paper is going to be about and why It Is important. The background fills the reader In on previous research and the study. Results and discussion is the part of the manuscript that discusses what the research found and what it means. The conclusion sums up the paper and recognizes advancements that have made because of the research done. The references portion of the paper is where all sources used are cited to give proper credit to publications that aided in the research. The appendices are additional methodologies that weren’t included in the main paper but are important. Tables are used to show large amounts of dare and figures show illustrations. I Patients need to be provided the best care by their health care providers. Two aspects of providing this type of care focuses on evidence-based decision making and effective business planning. Evidence is so important in scientific discovery. Scientific ideas are tested based on evidence. The acceptance or rejection of an idea is based on the evidence that it relevant, not based on an opinion, or tradition. In order to have a scientific coverer the idea must be testable and actually be tested; evidence is what is used to test the ideas. With no evidence to a scientific idea be rejected and a discovery will not occur. Effective business planning is also a key in the process of scientific discoveries. Business planning needs to be centered on the evidence. Qualitative and quantitative research are two scientific research methods used by scientists to collect and analyze date. Quantitative research is focused and objective research based on mathematics. Qualitative research looks at the whole picture, is subjective, and elects data non-mathematically usually using symbolic representations. This evidence that the researchers gather is needed so that a discovery can be done by proving and disproving different hypotheses. It that the research stays within the budget available and for this to be done effective business planning needs to be done as well. For the best care to be provided evidence-based decision making and business planning need to continue in order for advancements in the medical field to continue. There are numerous examples of evidenced based decision making and business planning throughout the history of the medical field. One example of a scientific discovery using evidence resulting from the experiment is Ernest Rutherford labs test to see if an atom’s positive mass is spread out diffusely by firing an alpha particle beam through a piece of gold foil (Caldwell, 2008). In this experiment the evidence showed that the majority of the alpha particles bounced back in the opposite direction as if they struck something dense. If the alpha particles were not dense then they would have passed through the foil, so the evidence showed that the atoms positive charge was actually dense and located in its core or nucleus. How to cite Evidence- Based Decision Making and Discovery, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Joan of Arc Essay Summary Example For Students
Joan of Arc Essay Summary Joan of ArcJoan of Arc by Nancy Wilson Ross in nineteen-hundred and fifty-three and published by Random House. Nancy Wilson Ross was born in Olympia Washington; she wrote many books on the early fifteenth century including Joan of Arc. Nancy Wilson Ross wrote of that Joan of Arc was a simple girl taken advantage of by a wimp of a prince/king who left her to be used and abandoned at the first sign of trouble; by those that she had helped the most. That Joan was divinely guided by her voices and manipulated by many to fit their will. Mrs. Ross starts off by showing the extreme challenge of getting to see the Prince Dauphin. In the beginning she was laughed at and told to go back to her family farm, as a mere girl they had no need of her. But Joan did not give up and she waited till the war had gone on for awhile and was not going well and then she tried again. Joan was finally allowed to go to see her Prince and tell him of her voices, but first she had to endure a verification of the origin of her voices and of her that took quite a while longer. Joan in the mean time grew anxious for the Prince and for France as her voices were urging her to hurry and help Prince Dauphin get crowned King of France and save her country from the English. After Joan is proven fit, she is finally allowed to meet her Prince and finds that he is a weak-willed individual that is not inclined to make any decisions, least of all to put forth the effort to go to Reims and be crowned the King of France. Joan does convince him into letting her go out into the battle fields and help lead the soldiers to a victory. Joan was fulfilling a prophecy that said that having been through a woman (the wicked plots of Dauphins Mother), would be restored by a girl from Lorraine. In battle Joan was smart and brave and gave the men hope that they could turn the war around. Joan dictated letters to the English generals that she did not want to hurt them and that they should go home, but they ignored her and she fought them till they turned and ran. Joan helped turn the tide to Frances advantage and then returned to Prince Dauphin to try to convince him to go to Reims and be crowned. After Joan made sure that the passage to Reims was safe, she returned to cour t to wait out and answer from Prince Dauphin. While waiting Joan the Maid is treated as a Lady of the Court, but she is anxious to see France united by having a crowned King to lead them. Mrs. Ross uses the times of wait to show how the Prince did not take serious the affairs of France or of the war, but only of his own comfort. Joan the maid finally convinces the Prince that he must make the decision that is the only hope for France and be crowned the King. Joan the maid travels with the Princes entourage to Reims with no mishap and finally gets to see her family that she has been away from for so long. But Joans voices are urging her to get her mission completed and to crown the King. Joan accomplishes the crowning of the King in less then twenty-four hours of arriving in Reims. After the crowning of the King, Mrs. Ross reminds us how much Joan is set in the wings by the King until he has no choice but to let her do as her voices bid her. The new King would rather show Joan the Maid off than to listen to what she is trying to tell him about the war. Joan the Maid is kept at court for to long, she is allowed to rejoin the men fighting for the unity of France. Joan is not as lucky this time and is captured by the Burgundian soldiers, and even though she had fought a brave fight she was now a captive of war. Mrs. Ross illustrates how of all the people that Joan the Maid has befriended and helped especially the King, no one came to Joans rescue or even tried to ransom her back; it was as though she was of no more use they just let her to her own fate. Joan was put to trial as a witch and first she confessed that she was what ever they wanted her to be so that she could be at peace, but she could not live with a lie. In the end the trial branded her a witch for t he same voices that had crowned a King of France and turned the war around and she was tied to a stake and set on fire while everyone watched and cheered. Mrs. Ross completes her wonderful book, by completing her point that this was a gift that was used, abused, and finally honored in the end. In the end twenty-five years after Joan of Arcs horrible death her family petitioned the Pope as the head of the Church and he re-tried Joans case. They finally allowed the voices of the people that Joan had known and helped to be heard, all but the King who never spoke out on her behalf. Joan was declared by the Pope to be innocent of all charges and was named Saint Joan of Arc for her life that she gave to help unite her war-torn country. .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .postImageUrl , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:hover , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:visited , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:active { border:0!important; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:active , .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua8977ae6bcc0c099e4d1303f6e914efa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Radicalism of American Revolut EssayMrs. Ross has written many books and is well known for the detail and history in her books. I would recommend that everyone read her books.
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